A way to play.

A way to grow.


All the residents of the house will obtain a specific work / exercise plan in a gym, where they will participate in the mornings and prepare to be in the best physical condition, to train with their respective teams.

A personal exercise program is necessary for the soccer player if he wants to achieve the best performance on the soccer field.

One of the things that players will train will be a basic routine for strength training.

Strength training, in any sport, is primarily aimed at improving the athlete’s performance and reducing the risk of injury.

For the same reason, strength training must be compatible with an existing training plan and must be carried out in collaboration with your club, to avoid overloading the player and making the most of her sports performance.

Players will also have the opportunity to use the gym pool, to strengthen the back and the muscles of the body in general and the Spa and sauna for relaxing.